postgresql81-plperl | PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend | |
postgresql81-plpython | PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend | |
postgresql81-pltcl | PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend | |
postgresql81-postgis (V) | Spatial database capabilities for PostgreSQL | |
postgresql81-server | PostgreSQL database server programs | |
postgresql81-tsearch2 | Tsearch2 contrib module for fulltext indexing in PostgreSQL | |
postgresql82 | Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS | |
postgresql82-adminpack | Admin pack module for pgAdmin management | |
postgresql82-client | PostgreSQL database client programs | |
postgresql82-plperl | PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend | |
postgresql82-plpython | PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend | |
postgresql82-pltcl | PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend | |
postgresql82-server | PostgreSQL database server programs | |
postgresql82-tsearch2 | Tsearch2 contrib module for fulltext indexing in PostgreSQL | |
postgresql83 | Robust, next generation, object-relational DBMS | |
postgresql83-adminpack | Admin pack module for pgAdmin management | |
postgresql83-client | PostgreSQL database client programs | |
postgresql83-plperl | PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend | |
postgresql83-plpython | PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend | |
postgresql83-pltcl | PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend | |
postgresql83-server | PostgreSQL database server programs | |
pxtools | Paradox database export/info utilities | |
py-bdb-xml | Python wrapper for Berkeley DB XML C++ API | |
py-bsddb3 | Python extension module for Berkeley DB 4 | |
py-gdbm | Python interface to gdbm - GNU database manager | |
py-IndexedCatalog | Indexed Catalog extension for standalone ZODB | |
py-ldap | LDAP client API for Python | |
py-metakit | Embedded database library | |
py-mssql | Python interface to MS SQL | |
py-mysqldb | MySQL interface for Python | |
py-pgnotify | Python interface to PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY | |
py-PgSQL | Python DB-API 2.0 compliant interface to PostgreSQL | |
py-postgresql | Python interface to PostgreSQL | |
py-psycopg | PostgreSQL database adapter for Python | |
py-psycopg2 | PostgreSQL database adapter for Python | |
py-sqlalchemy | Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper | |
py-sqlite | SQLite database adapter for Python | |
py-sqlite2 | SQLite database adapter for Python | |
py-sqlite3 | Built-in sqlite support for Python 2.5 and up | |
py-sybase | Sybase interface for Python using FreeTDS | |
py-table | Python RDBMS wrapper for various databases | |
py-ZODB | Standalone distro of Zope Object Database | |
qdbm | Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db | |
qdbm-cgi | CGI scripts of QDBM | |
qdbm-plus | C++ API for QDBM | |
quicklist | Simple database like AppleWorks & MS Works | |
R-DAAG (V) | Example data sets and functions implmented in R | |
R-GRASS (V) | Interface between GRASS 5.0 geographical information system and R | |
R-ISwR (V) | Data sets and scripts for 'Introductory Statistics with R' | |
R-Matrix (V) | Classes and methods for numerical linear algebra | |
R-PHYLOGR (V) | Manipulation of phylogenetically simulated data sets using GLS | |
rdb | Relational database system that uses standard filters via pipes | |
rrdtool | Data analysis tool generating graphical representations | |
rrdtool12 | Data analysis tool generating graphical representations | |
ruby-activeldap | Object oriented interface to LDAP | |
ruby-activerecord | Object-relation mapping put on rails | |
ruby-activerecord-odbc | ActiveRecord ODBC adapter | |
ruby-acts-as-versioned | Simple versioning for ActiveRecord | |
ruby-datamapper | Fast, thread-safe, object-relational mapper | |
ruby-DBD-mysql | DBD/mysql for ruby | |
ruby-DBD-postgresql | DBD/postgres for ruby | |
ruby-DBD-sqlite | DBD/SQLite for ruby | |
ruby-DBD-sqlite3 | DBD/SQLite for ruby | |
ruby-DBI | DBI for ruby | |
ruby-gdbm | Ruby extension to GDBM library | |
ruby-mysql | Ruby extension for MySQL | |
ruby-odbc | ODBC binding for Ruby | |
ruby-pg | Ruby extension for PostgreSQL | |
ruby-postgres-pr | Pure Ruby extension for PostgreSQL | |
ruby-postgresql | Ruby extension for PostgreSQL | |
ruby-qdbm | Ruby interface of QDBM | |
ruby-sequel | Model classes for the Sequel Database Toolkit | |
ruby-sequel-core | Core components for Sequel | |
ruby-sqlite3 | Ruby interface for the SQLite database engine | |
ruby-tokyocabinet | Ruby binding of Tokyo Cabinet | |
ruby-tokyotyrant | Pure Ruby Interface of Tokyo Tyrant | |
ruby-vapor | Ruby transparent persistence to postgresql | |
sdbm | Substitute DBM, an implementation of the real ndbm library | |
shared-mime-info | Core database of common types | |
slony1 | Replication system for PostgreSQL | |
sqlite | SQL Database Engine in a C Library | |
sqlite3 | SQL Database Engine in a C Library | |
sqlite3-tcl | SQL Database Engine in a C Library | |
sqlitebrowser | QT3 lightweight GUI editor/viewer for SQLite Databases | |
sqlrelay | Enables pooling and sharing of database connections | |
sqlsharpgtk | GUI client for entering and running SQL commands and scripts | |
sqsh | SQL shell for Sybase and MS-SQL servers | |
sqsh-motif | SQL shell for Sybase and MS-SQL servers (Motif GUI) | |
sqsh-x11 | SQL shell for Sybase and MS-SQL servers (Athena GUI) | |
tcl-fbsql | Tcl interface to MySQL | |
tcl-gdbm | Tcl interface to gdbm - GNU database manager | |
tdb | Small database system which uses files to store data | |
tinycdb | Create and read constant databases | |
tokyocabinet | Modern implementation of DBM | |
tokyotyrant | Network interface of Tokyo Cabinet | |
unixodbc | ODBC 2.x/3.x driver manager | |
xsqlmenu | X based GUI for MySQL | |
yap2lc | Yet Another Passwd 2 LDIF Converter | |
yasql | Yet another SQLPlus replacement for Oracle |